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VitalOrganico Wormwood / wormwood +Cloves, Black Walnut - 30 Capsules

VitalOrganico Wormwood / wormwood +Cloves, Black Walnut - 30 Capsules

Regular price €18.00
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Wormwood ( Artemisia Absinthum ) possesses several medicinal compounds, which include anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. Apart from being used as the primary ingredient in absinthe, wormwood has been traditionally used to increase appetite, treat digestive disorders and cure fever.

Benefits of taking wormwood

- Used for SIBO ( small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) treatment 

Stimulates appetite and treats Anorexia

- Has a broad spectrum of antifungal and antimicrobal  properties

- Help the elimination of parasites

in addition, Wormwood contains ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), carotenoids, flavonoids, and other active compounds that are beneficial to the body. Furthermore, wormwood helps reverse cellular damage, prevents premature aging and certain ailments and elimination of cancer cells.

An additional version includes cloves and green black walnut for a wider spectrum action as antifungal and antimicrobial agent due to the properties of cloves and black walnut (each capsule containing 130Mg wormwood, 140Mg cloves and 110Mg Walnut)

Please select between the two  versions available:

  • pure wormwood 
  • Wormwood+cloves+black walnut ( wider action spectrum )


Take 3 capsules spread during the day - preferably with food; do not exceed the recommended dose.

maintenance dose - 1 capsule a day with food

 Precaution: Wormwood herb is not meant for long-term use. Make sure you don’t exceed recommended doses because excessive consumption could be highly toxic. Using wormwood for longer than four weeks or at higher than recommended doses may lead to nausea, vomiting, restlessness, insomnia, vertigo, tremors and seizures.

  • Don’t take this herb in any form if you’re pregnant or breast-feeding. There have been documented abortifacient and emmenagogue effects of wormwood.

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