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Mama Cottage mushrooms

Chaga tincture - 30 ml

Chaga tincture - 30 ml

Regular price €30.00
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In Eastern Europe, chaga has traditionally been used as a treatment for skin conditions like eczema and respiratory disorders like bronchitis.  Thee first mention of Chaga comes from 16th Century Russian texts.

•          Chaga was traditionally used to treat gastric ulcers and gastritis.

•          A tea was made from chaga to treat intestinal pain and stomach upsets.

•          Chaga was and remains especially popular for hunters and forestry workers because it alleviates hunger and boosts energy.

•          Infusions made from chaga have long been used to treat various skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

•          The Khanty people of Siberia are among the first known to have used chaga medicinally.

•          As well as brewing a tea from chaga, the Khanty also produced ‘soap water’ by burning the chaga in a fire and then adding it to hot water. This ‘soap water’ was used for its disinfectant ability.

 Crucial other chemical ingredients include beta-glucans, other polysaccharides, phytosterols and triterpenes like botulin and betulinic acid which give chaga a diverse range of therapeutic benefits.

Ergosterol peroxide is a medically exciting component of Chaga.  Ergosterol peroxide has shown anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunosuppressive capabilities in the lab.

 Chaga is considered to be an adaptogen; a substance which helps normalize and balance body functions.


Benefits of Chaga

  • Powerful Antioxidant (superoxide dismutase – SOD) 50 times more SOD than you can find in fruit juices, leafy greens and seaweed.
  • Immune System Boost – helps boost and modulate the immune system.
  • Inflammatory conditions – chaga contains betulinic acid and inotodiol which work together to reduce inflammation within the body
  • Ulcers and Gastritis
  • Heart Health – breaks down the LDL cholesterol in the body
  • Preventative – Induces apoptosis or cell death with prevents tumours from developing
  • Digestion – stimulates bile production
  • Skin Health – chaga has high melanin which gives it its dark colour, which is known to protect the genes and DNA.
  • Can alleviate pain from toothaches
  • Can improves lung health
  • Could assist in detoxifying the body
  • Can be used to treat joint inflammation, particularly rheumatism and arthritis
  • May treat viral infections
  • Could assist in managing cholesterol
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Alklines your body by fighting inflammation
  • Could prevent drug/alcohol side effects

 This tincture is double extracted with purified water and alcohol(1:3.5 ratio), which means that it has gone through two processes of extraction to get the powerful compounds from the mushroom.

If you are currently taking any medication or are pregnant or undergoing any treatment, we strongly recommend you consult your medical advisor before taking tinctures.

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