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CastorLife - attachable Organic flannel to the CastoLife bodyKit

CastorLife - attachable Organic flannel to the CastoLife bodyKit

Regular price £10.13
Regular price Sale price £10.13
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This attachable flannel, made of Organic cotton, will preserve the main BodyKit allowing to use the castoLife BodyKit for years  by just replacing the flannels.

If you already have purchased the BodyKit and want a spare flannel in addition to the one already present in the BodyKit  (maybe another member of your family wants to use the BodyKit), you can have a spare flannel at a 15% discount when you purchase this flannel TOGETHER with the CastorLife BodyKit

You can also use the attachable flannel for Castor Oil application on other body parts ( legs , arms; please make sure to avoid any synthetic textile as a wrap around.


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